National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes

The model has been developed at the University of Plymouth Coastal Processes Research Group (CPRG) as part of The South West Partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) project that will help deliver economic and community benefits to the South West, whilst protecting and enhancing the area's natural resources.
About the Model: SWEEP OWWL is a forecasting system designed to predict waves, water levels, and wave overtopping hazard around the southwest coast of the UK. The model is updated once a day, and provides a three-day forecast. The system uses a 1-km resolution hydrodynamic (wave, currents, and water levels) Delft3D model, which is forced by a larger Met Office model, providing 2D spectral wave data, water levels, and currents along the four model boundaries, and the entire domain is forced with gridded wind and pressure data at 7-km resolution.
Wave and water level forecasts for the region are presented below via "Wave Forecast". For predictions of wave runup and overtopping please click on "Overtopping Forecast".
To view or sign up to receive Overtopping Forecast alerts please click on one of the links above.
Using the Forecast
By simply clicking on any one of the sites below, the forecasted wave conditions, water levels, and wind are shown for the next three days. At some locations, recently recorded wave and water level data are available from the Channel Coastal Observatory, and are shown alongside the SWEEP-OWWL data for the (hindcasted) first 12 hours, to provide ground-truthing of the model data.
For more information please contact;
Prof Gerd Masselink, Dr Kit Stokes or Dr Tim Poate