National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes

« Dychwelid at fap am donau, llanw a gorsafoedd tywydd eraill.

Note that these are real-time data and are not quality-controlled. Long-range graphs are plotted from a randomised subsample of half-hourly data.


Tide Levels and Harmonics


Data Ton Ddiweddaraf

Data Ton Ddiweddaraf
Uchder ton (m)0.32
Uchder uchaf ton (m)0.48
Tbrig (s)2.8
Tz (s)4
Cyfeiriad mwyaf cyffredin (gradd)-
Ymlediad (gradd)-
Tymheredd y môr (°C)-
Energy Period (s)-
Wave Power (kW/m)-

Data llanw diweddaraf

Data Llanw Diweddaraf
Dyddiad/Amser (ASG)28-01-2025 12:30
Penllanw nesaf20:58, 11.84
Distyll nesaf03:02, 1.84
Highest Date16-01-2025
Highest Value12.05m
Lowest Date17-01-2025
Lowest Value2.6m

Latest Met Data

Latest Met data
Gwasgedd aer (mb)1022.2
Cyflymder gwynt (nots)18.4
Wind Speed (ms-1)9.2
Cyflymder hwrdd (nots)22
Gust Speed (ms-1)11
Wind direction (°)60
Air Temperature (°C)4.6
Erythemal Radiation (W/m2)-
Indecs UF-
Lleithder cymharol (%)76.5